Polaris Bank customer, Ife Michael, who recently aired her concerns on X (formerly Twitter) on a school fees transaction, has...
Cristiano Ronaldo and his agent Jorge Mendes held meetings with United at Carrington on Tuesday, but his position remains unchanged and he wants to play...
-you must remain a good Ambassador of Christ- Chris Okafor No fewer than 120 certified Trained Prophetic students of Grace Nation Bible Institute graduated today...
BY: OLADAPO SOFOWORA Ever since her romance with the King of Fuji Music; Wasiu Ayinde Marshall broke, it has generated mixed reactions from all...
With a heavy heart I and the entire citizen of Grace Nation mourn with Pastor Adeboye, family and the entire Redeem Christian church of God...
All her life, Rev Mrs. Esther Abimbola Ajayi has dedicated herself with the responsibility of uplifting the downtrodden. With her Esther Ajayi Foundation, she has registered...
The Commissioner of Police, Lagos State, CP Hakeem Odumosu, has ordered the Police Public Relations Officer of the command to roll out the phone numbers of...
How time flies, your soar-away UrbanLife Magazine is five years old. It sincerely calls for celebration; indeed, to be able to survive the treacherous and...
Not many of her peers would shoulder the responsibility of creating succour to the less privileged around them. They would rather invest their resources on...
Grace Nation international under the anointed Servant of God, Dr Chris okafor joins the rest of Nigerians to celebrate the 60 years independent anniversary of...