All her life, Queen Farida Sani Garba Diso is widely known as Giwar Sarkin Daura had always lived it for humanity’s sake. She is a cheerful giver and those whose paths have crossed hers can confirm that she loathes the sight of people in dire need or distress. She is always charged up to render assistance. Many wonder why such a charming young queen will dedicate her life to cheerful giving but those close to her averred that; she learnt the art of giving from her mother and she has inculcated it and made it a lifestyle.
During her formative years, she was generous to a point that she is ready to displease herself just to make sure her fellow human is satisfied. Apart from being the wife of the Emir of Daura, she has stayed true to her passion in by putting smiles on faces of humanity through empowerment using her Golden Heart women foundation as a point of contact.
As she celebrated her birthday over the week, instead of throwing an high octane birthday shindig, she opted to use that opportunity to do what she knows how to do best. She led a powerful delegation to an Orphanage in Kano State where she donated food, clothes and other items worth millions of Naira and also celebrated with the orphanage kids. She also visited Kurumawa correctional facility, where she paid bails of inmates who were remanded behind bars due to lack of funds for bail. According to her, rendering assistance to the needy is not a bid to showoff, its to motivate others to emulate her by rendering assistance to humanity and also indulge in a charitable act