The Chairman of Lagos Taskforce, Yinka Egbeyemi remains an enviable personality whose heart of gold endeared him to many. The tall and Gallant officer aside mounting pressure on the cult boys terrorising the peace of Lagos State, the kind hearted, compassionate officer has also heeded to the call of his people who are in dear need.
According to Egbeyemi one his priority aside being on top of his game while providing maximum security and protection of lives is also to complement what the government is doing by alleviating the suffering experienced during the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdown. Few days ago, the cool but agile officer took to the street to distribute stimulus relief packages and foods to communities within the Agege, Dopemu, Egbeda, Abule Egba and it environs just to cushion the effects of the lockdown occasioned by the Coronavirus pandemic.
As a nonsense officer that Egbeyemi is known for, he has been mounting pressure on the dreaded Awawa cult gang in Agege and miscreants in Lagos State.
Without exaggerations, many have been commending Egbeyemi for the gesture, which they say has a way of meeting an aspect of the daily needs of the beneficiaries, especially during the lockdown, they are also grateful for the security provided all through the pandemonium caused by the boys.
Coronavirus disease spreads primarily through contact with an infected person when they cough or sneeze. It also spreads when a person touches a surface or objects that has the virus on it, and then touches their eyes, nose, or mouth.